- Anggota : Jerinx [Vocals/Guitar] http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jrx/46384181861
- Kuzz [Bass] http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=605243426
- Cash [Guitar]
- T.R [Drums] http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1608048408
- Mr.F [Trumpet] http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1234848234
- Genre: Burnin' Soul and Rock n Roll!
With Jerinx as the drummer and songwriter of Superman Is Dead (SID), gave this band the impression of a ‘halfhearted band’ and comfortable with the status of cover version band.
In 2002, Jerinx realized that he had many wrote many songs, which were not the character of SID songs but he could use them as songs of Culture On Fire, which was more dark than SID. He, then decided to be more serious in running his second band. After, there were few personnel changes and the rename of the band to be “Devildice”, eventually Jerinx and his friends released their first album ‘In The Arms Of The Angels’ in 2004. This album was produced independently with their own cash and label.
Now (2009), with the formation of Jerinx (vocal/guitar), Kuzz (bass), Cash (guitar), T.R (drum), and Dr.F (trumpet), Devildice has performed in variety of music festivals, charity concerts, skate, surf, tattoos, and bike competitions at stadiums, beach, courts, bars, clubs in Bali.
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